Thursday, August 23, 2012


alrighty then. i lied. It wasnt ten minutes. it was like almost an hour. my task took longer than expected. hold on, not done yet... now i need to shower. yall REALLY didnt need to know that. and im pretty sure you didnt want to know it either. if you did, please stop reading this because now i am officially creeped out. google is telling me that "creeped" is not a real word. well, google, you all can suck my paynis. (which is also not a real word) im gonna bathe now. i feel kinda gross. I'LL BE BACK. with weapons. and a spoon. geez im weird... ok guys so i lied again. im not weird! you all should know that by now. and if you dont, there is something seriously broken with you. Like a malfunction in your hardware. i like that word, malfunction. tis a fun word. so is tis. why am i going on about etymology right now?? someone help me! im so strange! ok so now im gonna stop talking about me, (which i love to do via the intranet but not in person)and talk about other people. even though they rarely come into relevance to me. antyway, lemme tell you peoples about the fuckery that goes on within a college ON THE FIRST DAY. Yes, i said the first day. There are some serious crazies around here. I don't know who the hell let them out of their cages, but someone really needs to call animal control. i typed that whole sentence without any grammar errors *self high five* moving on, some psychotic man let his daughter out of the house looking like a complete clown. Literally, she had more makeup on her face at once than the all the casts of RuPaul's drag race COMBINED. It was kinda bad. But its not like the dad gave her any choices, he kept telling her that she needed to fix her face. SO i place all the blame on the terrible fathering this man is doing, none on the poor multicoloured clown faced child. oh garsh my leg is asleep. i hate when that happens cuz it feels like there's some kind of alien thing draining the life out of your afflicted body part. Garsh it's awkward. dammit i forgot where i was going with that. ok im bored again, so i guess im finished. that was thrilling (-__-*)p.s im thoroughly in love with emoji. as you can see. Now go do something productive in this world!!!!!! (#^.^#) TOODIES!


Why, hello there. Didn't see you standing there, breathing and whatnot. OH hell....yall know what i'm talking about. Its been a while hasn't it? yes yes i know. but Mommy has returned to feed her little chickadees. And yes, i did just call you small round birds. Antyway, how has life been so far for everyone? Honestly, i don't really care but it's apparently polite to ask. I've been well. I have officially started school as a college freshman. I'M SO OLD!!! just saying... Well i now attend a college in a city, within a state, a part of the United States. If you know where, then you,sir, are a creeper. Oh excuse me, you, sir or madam, are a creeper. Gotta keep it PC around these parts. Disregarding everything i have just said, i'm gonna do what i do best: typing whatever comes to mind for all you psychopaths out there is absorb my useless knowledge to share with the world around you, as if they really care. I think maybe the title to this one may be a bit misleading, if you think the way i do. "College Bitches" could quite possibly sound like i meant either female dogs or overly sexual girls who attend undergraduate courses at a respectable university. Definitely WAAAAAYYY off. Just thought i'd clear that up... i'll post again in about ten minutes...i gotta do something that is completely unrelated to ninja sluts or driving along the coast of the sea of tranquility. BRB! i hate that phrase/anagram/whatever the hell the word is that im looking for... Ok Bye, for noww... *insert creepy noises from 1930s movie soundtracks*