Friday, May 1, 2009


today is the day that I describe why I wish that school was illegal. My school had metal detector checks today and they wasted yet another 30 minutes of my life. At the beginning of the year, it was just a minor nuisance, but now that the idiots at the board of education have realized that gangs are real, IT IS POINTLESS. There is no reason that students need to be checked and probed by teachers since they're just going to bring their stuff back another day. Why would you waste your time to see if a kid has drugs, AT A METAL DETECTOR?!?!?!?!? Are you that stupid to even think that you'll catch some weed with one of those metal searching wand things? It just shows that going back to school, even as a teacher, makes you dumber. In addition, the school system is making this big deal about the swine flu, or H1N1. Her's the big truth that all the doctors and scientists don't want to hear...IT IS THE REGULAR OL' INFLUENZA. There is no difference. Has nobody noticed that the symptoms are pretty much EXACTLY the same??????????? We can't be that stupid. It's actually quite pathetic.

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