Thursday, July 29, 2010


ok so the title of this rant is a little weird. but i couldnt think of another one. but today really is wednesday. or it was, technically its thursday cuz its 1:15 am. but thats not the point. alrighty, so my lil sister is into blogging now and if you are insane enough to be reading this blog, you may as well read her blog. its check it out. i'll warn you about her too. she is, of course, my little sister. some of my tendencies may have rubbed off on her. scratch that. she is just as random as i am. but the awesomeness level is different cuz she's younger. no one will ever get to the same level of amazing awesomeness as i am currently at. (can we say "narcissistic"??) yes we can and if you were as great as i am you would be this way as well. but im not really that obnoxiously arrogant. just then i was. i have spontaneous moments like that sometimes. but that's ok because i have papers for that. if you dont know what i mean, you should probably find out. soon. it's important. to the further existence of the universe. just kidding. but seriously.

ok so i always happen to do these in the middle of the night. i guess thats because im always up way too late and i have nothing better to do. but i digress. i think i'll tell you about what i did today. or yesterday. ach, whatever... OMG i watched "i love lucy" today. that is my all-time most favorite-est show ever!! i freaking love "i love lucy"!! i love pretty much anything created before either i or my parents were even conceived. is that weird? i dont know, maybe... but antyway, lucy is so awesome. i have a dvd box set of "the lucy show" not "i love lucy" but just as amazing all the same. i adore lucy (lucille ball) but i have a mega crush on, of course, ricky (desi arnaz) . but how can you not? his accent is so...i dont really know. i just like it. but still, if you ever pay attention to him while watching the show, trust me: you will fall in love. that actually kinda sucks cuz he's dead. but i dont care about that minor detail. i love him antyway. i think stuff made in the modern times is just too complicated. for example, why on earth would i need an app to find the closest star in the galaxy at this very moment in time while i type my thoughts on my laptop at a quarter till 2 in the morning? could someone just tell me why? and dont tell me "well because, phlyckted, it's just nice to have that possibility at your fingertips!" now look here you freakish waste of space: first of all, you need special permission to address me by Phlyckted. secondly, if you must call me by said name, you need to capitalize it. and thirdly, i love jet li! that has nothing do with anything i just said, but i felt that it was important for you to know. and it's the true, i LOVE jet li. he's sooooo cute. and he could probably kill me. not probably, he could kill me. i should hope that he doesnt at any point in time, but it is possible. he's cute, adorable, sexy (in his own way) and deadly. i dont really know whether to hug him or shoot him for fear that he'll beat me to a bloody pulp!! is that not the craziest thing youve ever heard?? maybe not the craziest. i dont know you, so you may have heard worse from other people. but from me, so far, is that the craziest? im being redundant, again. im sorry. i do that when i ramble for extended periods of time. most of the people i know would have stopped me by now... so i'll spare you the torture of reading this anymore. see ya tomorrow (most likely) because i doubt i'll be doing anything special. BYE!!
5..4..3..2..1.. BOOM
haha ;P

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