Monday, August 10, 2009


well people of the world, school is officially back in session. at least for us here in Memphis. all the little snots on the west coast are(as far as i know) still on summer vacation. that kinda sucks for me but it just means that they were in school in JUNE!! there are some important days in June if some of the world didn't know. unfortunately this passing June, the GREATEST ENTERTAINER ON THE PLANET did that weird spin thing for the final time... SO MANY TEARS!!!!!!!!!! oh well... i know that some people are still crying their eyes out but before they even did the public memorial, i was over it. plus if i stayed depressed that best day of the year would be so very sad. MY BIRTHDAY!! i know that makes me seem heartless but i cant stay depressed for too long or else i start spreading evil and sadness all over the place like the grim reaper (only worse). that's all i need to say about that subject.

i am sooo bored right now its not even funny. OH guess what? i just got another hole in my ear. that is enough for me. i don't see how people get hundreds of pierces all over their bodies. for example, why in hell would anyone ever get their nipples pierced?!?!?! is there something seriously wrong with them or do they get a kick out of it? don't get me wrong, i have nothing against piercings(wherever they may be) but its just so weird. ok im reaching the end...


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


HELLO PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!!!! Hey how's it goin? it's 2 in the morning and i am totally bored!! i havent been on for awhile since it's summer vacation but it's almost over because** tear**
SCHOOL IS STARTING BACK NEXT WEEK!!! pray for me people... i know that you know it's hard but, i have to go back to that hell hall. those people(my keepers) aka my parents are forcing me to go. they honestly believe that we students get excited to go back to school but the fact of the matter is they are happy that they arent at school anymore so we (the newer generation) have to go and endure the hardships that they so evilly (sp?) passed on to us. now what i dont understand is why my school is switching to block scheduling this coming year. that means we are basically on college schedule. IT SUX!! i hate it... plus theyre adding two extra classes, honestly: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?!?!?!? well im gonna try to be more consistent(sp?) with my entries. that means unfortunately for you, you get to read more of whatever is going on inside the psychotic abyss of MY MIND!!!
c ya 2moro **insert evil laugh here**